Athyrium pyconcarpon
Fern - TN Ostrich
ID# 880
Perennial/ fern
Zone: 3-8
Date: March 22, 2014 (100 bare roots)
Location: back end of home opposite end to Garage, above stone path.
Also known as Glade fern .
Green, arching fronds in a circular cluster of 5 or 6; 20-40 pairs of not opposite, undivided lance-shaped pinnae; pinnae have smooth margins, sharp, pointed tips and are reduced at base; fertile fronds are narrower, more erect and have a longer stipe; rachis is pale green and slightly hairy beneath; long sori, slightly curved run from midvein almost to margin; new fronds produced during summer.
June 2014
June 2014
Emerging June 2014
Additional Information: Purchase at:
Woodlans plants Nursery in Tennesse