Orchid-Lc.Mini Purple coerulea 'Shimanai'                               



Laeliacattleya = Lc.

Lc. Mini purple =(L.pumila var. coerulea x C. walkeriana var. coerulea)

Nursery ID: T-4941

HEIGHT X SPREAD: Compact / miniature

PLANT TYPE: Orchid -Evergreen
LIGHT: high light, indirect.

WATER: allow to dry between water
high humidity 

SOIL: wood baskets or clay pots with orchiata mix.
As observed in Coastal NC.

BLOOMS:  Solid purple with a hint of yellow inside the lip.


KEY FEATURES: fertilize during gorwing season. Single tall narrow leaf per pseudobulb/stem.
A year cycle in the life of ...... at Mooring Hitch

Plant arrived from Hawaii in 2.5” plastic pot with medium orchiata mix. 
1.5 to 2 yrs. from blooming size.
Kept as received.
Jan. 2016: (1) 2” clay pot.
Feb. 2017: (#2) WB 4”, (#1) clay 3”R
June 2019: (#1) mounted in “Boot- small cork”, (#2) WB 4”, leaves look deprived of moisture but, has many roots, will hydrate daily to see if it recovers.
Aug. 24, 2021: (#2) WB 4”, very dry leaves. Removed from basket into 
6”/short clay with ceramics. Needs to develop more roots/Water terapy.
-Sept. 2023: (#2) DEAD
          Mooring Hitch Gardens       

July 2015

July 2015

Waiting for blooms!

Additional Information: www.carmelaorchids.net

Carmela orchids Inc.  Phone (808) 963-6189    P.O. Box 277, Hakalau, Hawaii 96710

September 2023