Orchid-Wilmotteara Hamlyn’s Glory
ID# 935
Orchid -Hybrid
Zone: 55F to 95F degrees
Date:(1)March 8, 2015
Location: Glasshouse
Wilmotteara = Wmt.
Hamlyn’s Glory = ctna. Marley Beckford x Wmt. Jamaica Glory ‘Hamlyn’
Cattleytonia (Ctna.) is a combination of a species of Cattleya (C.) with a species of Broughtonia (Bro.), usually Bro. sanguinea. These plants are mostly compact.
Broughtonia species are all plants from the Northern Caribbean and the Bahamas. All grow in hot mainly arid conditions and are fairly easily cultivated if certain basic environmental factors are provided. In general, they do not grow well in pots as they are very intolerant of overwatering. However, hybrids with cattleyas do well in pots. Hybrids tent to flower early, some at second year.
March 2015
Additional Information: Orchid Trail, Morrisville, NC
March 2015
August 2018