Orchid - Miltoniopsis Red Tide
Orchid - Miltonia Red Tide, Pansy
Orchid - Evergreen
Zone: 55F - 95F degrees
Date: February , 2014
Location: Glasshouse
Miltoniopsis or Pansy Orchids have a name for being temperamental but I find if they are grown in coconut husk, kept in minimum sized pots and allowed to dry between each watering the do well and make wonderful house plants.
This variety is one of the best for perfume and can flower for very long periods of time
Tag: none
September 2015
February 24, 2014
Additional Information: Purchased from Atlantic Ave. Orchid & Garden Center
5217 Atlantic Ave. Raleigh, NC 27616 Phone: (919)-878-8877 for my friend Happy Lowry.*