Orchid - OncidiumAliceara

Hilo Ablaze ‘Hilo Gold’



Purchased after blooming time at discount price.

Gombrassiltonia is synonym of Alieceara.

Aliceara and is a cross between Gomesia, Brassia, and Miltonia.

This hybrid =  G.Bratonia Olmec x G.Gomesa Mantinii


PLANT TYPE: Orchid -Evergreen
LIGHT: filtered light, medium. Most light tolerant of the species

WATER: moist, well drained. 
high humidity 60-70 %

SOIL: Pot in Orchiata mix .
As observed in Coastal NC.

BLOOMS:  Red/ orange during fall/winter. Individual blooms are about 3.5 inches and up to 4 spikes at a time.

FRUIT  AND  SEED: N/A, propagate by  division.

A year cycle in the life of ...... at Mooring Hitch

Purchased in 4” square plastic pot with moss at discounted price.
Removed the moss, clean root system extensively, most of it looked rotten. Repotted in 4”  aircone pot with orchiata mix.
Jan. 2016: ok so far.
Three beautiful  4” blooms during fall, 2016
Feb. 2017: (1) AC 4”
June 2018: Moved to 6” round shallow plastic pot with Orchiata.
April 2019: plant lost few pseudobulbs due to to much moisture. Downsize to 3.5” AC pot with orchiata medium, three separate plant sections.
May 11, 2019: Doing well, moved into 6” Treefern pot.
August 2023: plant perish or discarded due to infestation of boisduval scale.

NOTE: in my experience this type does not do well Treefern pots.
          Mooring Hitch Gardens       

Nov. 4 , 2016

Additional Information:  Purchased from Atlantic Ave. Orchid & Garden Center

5217 Atlantic Ave. Raleigh, NC 27616   Phone: (919)-878-8877

August 2023