Orchid- Phalaenopsis

(Baby Hat x Sogo Lit-Angel)


Phalaenopsis hybrid


HEIGHT X SPREAD: compact, head forming

PLANT TYPE: Orchid -Evergreen

LIGHT: filtered light, only.

WATER: moist but well  drained, 
high humidity 60-70 %

SOIL: bark media in pot, well drain
As observed in Coastal NC.

BLOOMS:Hybrid.  White multifloral with red-lavender lip. The lip color of blooms in same stem can vary in tone from red to pink/ fuschia

FRUIT  AND  SEED: N/A, propagate by  division.

KEY FEATURES:compact head forming with large leaves.
A year cycle in the life of ...... at Mooring Hitch

Plant received  bare-root. Placed in 4” round plastic pot with lg. Orchiata mix.
-plant arrived with a bloom spike.
-Januray 2014: (1) 4” plastic pot
-Leaves rooted completely due to water left in crown during assistant care. Roots style look viable. Cleaned and dust with cinnamon, I believe it has a good chance to recover but it will take several months.
-Jan. 2015. : waiting for recovery, no leaves yet.
          Mooring Hitch Gardens       

January 2015

Additional Information: www.carmelaorchids.net

Carmela orchids Inc.  Phone (808) 963-6189    P.O. Box 277, Hakalau, Hawaii 96710

April  2013

April 22, 2014

Lip color in same stem takes different red/pink tones