Orchid- Dendrobium Dream “Ace”




Dream Ace is a Nobile type dendrobium (the flowers grow out of the cane rather than on a stem).

Unlike other nobiles that bloom once a year and need a cool rest each winter, Dream does not need the cool rest and blooms twice a year.

Dendrobium are naturally epiphytic orchids that will thrive in hanging baskets with little or no potting media in ideal conditions, or they will do well in fast-draining media.

Hybrid: T-3087

HEIGHT X SPREAD: tall and narrow
PLANT TYPE: Orchid -Evergreen
LIGHT: lots of light but filtered.

WATER: let dry between water, treat similar to phalaenopsis
high humidity 60-70 %
SOIL: like small pot relative to plant size. Top heavy. Large pot will slow growth.Well drain media or no media. Suitable for mounting. Stems may eventually trail down.
As observed in Coastal NC.

BLOOMS:violet and white, small and abundant.
Fragrant. Blooms all year round.

FRUIT  AND  SEED: N/A, propagate by  division.

KEY FEATURES:Thick tall stem with alternating semi-soft leaves. A fast growing plant that requires high light to bloom.
A year cycle in the life of ...... at Mooring Hitch

Plant received bare root. Placed in 2” sq. plastic pot with  sm. orchiata mix.
Mounted on wood trellis A, (5X,3Y), before 5Y between side A and B of trellis, plant will decide which way to face. (Jan. 14, 2013)
-3/25/13 removed from mount and placed in 2.5” plastic pot with Orchiata
-January 2014: (1) 4” clay pot.
-Jan. 2015: plant in 4” wood basket apears dead, but, I will wait until spring in case it sends new shoots from stems.
Replacement plant received Feb. 11, 2015 (same provider)/ 2.5” clay &moss.
-Jan. 2016:(1) 2.5” clay pot & (1) wood mount “Bird” ( from keikis) doing well.
-Feb. 2017:(1) clay 3” & (1) WMount/Bird.
-July 2017: Mounted plant in pot on W Bird. (1)
-Feb. 5, 2018: Plant roots never adhered to the Bird mount. Removed and added to Cork- Tube along with #1170, #1171, & #1011A-1
-March 2022: barely alive, trying to understand care??
          Mooring Hitch Gardens       

Additional Information: www.carmelaorchids.net

Carmela orchids Inc.  Phone (808) 963-6189    P.O. Box 277, Hakalau, Hawaii 96710

April 8, 2015

Dec. 15, 2012

May 2015

April 2015

March 2022