Orchid-Bulbophyllum medusae
Orchid - Evergreen Hybrid
Zone: 55F - 95F degrees
Date: October 2012 (1 plant )
Location: Glasshouse
Lindley called Cirrhopetalum (Bulbohyllum) medusae the "Medusa's Head Orchid". The tangle of sepals produced by the numerous flowers do bear some resemblance to a mass of snaky locks. The only parts of the flower that are obvious to the casual viewer are the sepals; the smaller parts are either obscure or invisible among the mass of long sepals.The flower colors are noted variously as yellow, pale yellow, white, and white with reddish spots.
Additional Information: www.carmelaorchids.net
Carmela orchids Inc. Phone (808) 963-6189 P.O. Box 277, Hakalau, Hawaii 96710
Oct . 25, 2012
Oct. 25, 2012
November, 2015