Rosa “Radsunny”  pp#18562

Rose - Sunny Knockout



This newest release from Rose Breeder, Bill Radler is the only fragrant member in The Knock Out® Family of Roses. It has a slightly more compact and upright habit than The Knock Out® Rose with bright yellow flowers that fade quickly to a pastel cream color. The yellow color stays more intense during cooler times of the year. The dark, semi-glossy foliage contrasts nicely with the bright blooms.

HEIGHT X SPREAD: 3-5 ft x 3-4 ft



TEXTURE: medium

LIGHT: full sun

WATER: medium

SOIL: well drain, sandy
As observed in Coastal NC.

BLOOMS: creamy / yellow multi tone. Spring to first frost, slightly fragrant

FRUIT  AND  SEED: by cuttings.

KEY FEATURES: pest & disease resistant, drought tolerant, repeat bloomer
A year cycle in the life of ...... at Mooring Hitch

One gallon pot plant, transferred to garden bed early spring already in bloom.
          Mooring Hitch Gardens       

May 2012

April 2012

Additional Information: purchased at Lowes Home Improvement Center, New Bern, NC