Tillandsia bulbosa

tillandsia bulbosa



Tillandsias are bromeliads. They absorb water and nutrients thru the leaves not roots, and require no planting medium.

Each plant only flowers once. After blooming the plants reproduce 1-8 offspring from the side of the mother.

They can tolerate a large range of temperatures and withstand long periods without water.

Hang them anywhere away from direct sun light.


PLANT TYPE: epiphytes
TEXTURE: none, air
LIGHT: filtered light, only.

WATER: mist or spray at least once a week 
plant should not stay wet more than 4 hours at a time

As observed in Coastal NC.

BLOOMS: Four bloom spikes grow from plant’s center.Spikes are bright pink at the bottom emerging a bright green with silver texture.

FRUIT  AND  SEED:  propagate by separating clumps/ offsprings

KEY FEATURES:spike stem turns colors prior to flowering. Base of plant has a bulb shape. Leaves are stiff and shiny, with a silvery fuzz at the base.
A year cycle in the life of ...... at Mooring Hitch
These plants are commonly found in conservatories I have visited. Grown in combination with orchids.

Single plant with 4 spike bloom forming. August 2012, mounted in Wood Trellis B
-March 2014:(5) plants from “airplants4U.com”, 4 of them in bloom. Mounted in wooden trellis.
          Mooring Hitch Gardens       

March 2014

Feb. 2012

Additional Information: Pinecone Perennials. Nursery in New Bern, NC

Plant without a ID tag, cultivar is my best guess.& www.airplants4U.com

August 2012

March 2014