Hibiscus rosa- sinensis

Hibiscus-Pink, China Rose


This rooted cutting arrived from Hawaii via postal complete with few new leaves.

The flower color will surprise me once it flowers, it indicated color “Pink”

HEIGHT X SPREAD: 15 ft x 6ft.
smaller when grown in pot under glass.

PLANT TYPE: tropical evergreen shrub.


TEXTURE: medium

LIGHT: full sun

WATER: moist
SOIL: Metromix and a cover of moss to retain moisture.
As observed in Coastal NC.

BLOOMS: Indicated as Pink color I will have to wait and see the tone.


KEY FEATURES:  Green leaves are shiny.
A year cycle in the life of ...... at Mooring Hitch

    Potted on a 8” plastic pot. 
-Placed in full sun.
-Added 1 tsp. “Multicote4”  (slow release 14-14-16& minerals/4 months)
Cutting perish.
          Mooring Hitch Gardens       

Feb. 2011

June 2012

Similar plant in Yellow  -  December 2010  

another glasshouse plant.

Additional Information: Present from Jim & Cheryl Searls during their visit to “Tropical Botanical Gardens” in Hilo, Hawaii.

Product from:www.kanoahawaii.com