Ginko Biloba “Jade Butterflies”

Ginko Biloba “Jade Butterflies”



Additional Information: Purchase at: 

Eastwoods Nursery, Washington, VA


'Jade Butterfly' is a dwarf, vase-shaped ginkgo with clumps of dark green leaves that look similar to a butterfly's wings. The outline of 'Jade Butterfly' is shrubby, and after a ten-year period this selection is likely to be approximately four to five feet tall with a comparable width. It is considered slow growing and its mature height is less than half of that of the standard.

HEIGHT X SPREAD: 6- 12 ft x 3-9 ft

PLANT TYPE: Tree - Deciduous



LIGHT: Full sun

WATER: average

SOIL: high Organic
As observed in Coastal NC.

BLOOMS: April blooms, color green, not showy

FRUIT  AND  SEED: Naked seed produced on female tree only. Clusters of 2-6. Propagate from seed; sow indoors before last frost. I do not know is mine is male or female yet.

KEY FEATURES: Good fall color. Grown for its foliage.
A year cycle in the life of ...... at Mooring Hitch

    Plant arrived about 1 ft. tall. Placed at the south side of the Lower Deck bed it happen to be placed among trenches and grown work area for the Glasshouse installed this summer. 
-Planted using Mycorrhizal fungi at planting.
I have two dwarf ginko trees and both are fine after been flooded with 4.5 ft of water during hurricane Irene august 2011
          Mooring Hitch Gardens       

May 2012

June 2012

April 2010