Senecio articulatus

Candle plant



Additional Information: Purchase at “The Plant Farm” in New Bern, NC


    This Senecio is recognized by its 1/2" thick stems, that join to each other at tiny, easily broken points, but fortunately these make great cuttings, so you end up with several over time.  Although native to Cape Province, South Africa and summer dormant, during its' growing season, it can be very fast growing, up to 2' to 3' tall and spreading.  The thick branches have light green temporary leaves with 3 to 5 lobes, and grows well in sun or shade.  Yellowish flowers on long stalks bloom in fall.

HEIGHT X SPREAD: under 1 ft, spreading

PLANT TYPE: Succulent cactus - evergreen

GROWTH RATE: Moderate, ground cover

TEXTURE: medium to fine
LIGHT: Full sun to light shade

WATER: Moderate water when growing season (winter). Little water the rest of the time.

SOIL: cactus mix soil, miracle grow brand
As observed in Coastal NC.

BLOOMS: Compound flowers typical of the genus with pom-poms of tiny yellow  and white flowers. (see comments below). Foul smell. Flowers appear in winter in glasshouse.

FRUIT  AND  SEED: propagates easily by removing a thick stem and place it in 1:1 compost:rock.
KEY FEATURES: plant grows during winter months. Attractive green leaves during winter in cucumber like tubes that store water. Tends to grow vertically
A year cycle in the life of ...... at Mooring Hitch

    When I purchased this plant it looked terrible (photo below). The nursery it came from  had a heating problem that winter, most of their cactus stock perish. This one did not. Sadly looking during summer it lost some stems which I re-potted and luckily some of they rooted, some rotted.
Because it took me some time to identify this plant, I was unsure of it’s needs.
    -Replaced soil for 1:1 ratio compost: small rock. It drains fast, water only at the base without wetting leaves. 
    -Fertilized with liquid (20-20-20) every 2 weeks.
Now winter, the plant has much new growth, leaves and flowers. Whether is because is winter or the care, I don’t know. I expect this plant to go semi-dormant during summer.
-Plant flowers often during winter,water often.Reduce water in spring & summer.
          Mooring Hitch Gardens       

Un-happy plant - Feb. 2010



January, 2011