Ginko Biloba “Spring Grove”

Ginko Biloba “Spring Grove”




Additional Information: Purchase at: Wayside Gardens (April 2008)

Moved from MH Gardens ( Oct. 2013)


Ginkgo biloba 'Spring Grove' Dwarf Maidenhair has a thick trunk and numerous small lateral branches evenly spaced all along the central leader makes it great for bonsai and full little tree for urban landscapes. Pyramidal while young it will eventually take a globe form globe shaped.Unlike many of the dwarf forms the leaf size is large and dense whorling all along the stems. Leaf colors are dark green in old growth with a bright green in new growth is quite beautiful. Outstanding yellow orange in fall.

HEIGHT X SPREAD: 4ft x 2 ft

PLANT TYPE: Tree  dwarf- Deciduous



LIGHT: Full sun

WATER: average

SOIL: high Organic
As observed in Eastern NC.

BLOOMS: April blooms, color green, not showy

FRUIT  AND  SEED: Naked seed produced on female tree only. Clusters of 2-6. Propagate from seed; sow indoors before last frost. I do not know is mine is male or female yet.

KEY FEATURES: Good fall color. Grown for its foliage. Grafted.
A year cycle in the life of ...... at Stonehenge

    Plant  (~2 ft tall) moved from Mooring Hitch Gardens. Here it has a better chance to flourish.  Deer do not seem to bother it. Protected by repellent just in case.

May 2013

June 2014

May 2013
