Hemerocallis “Forty Carats”

Day-lily “Forty Carats



Additional Information: purchased from Gilbert H. Wild & Son, LLC  

on-line at: www.gilberthwild.com

          Mooring Hitch Gardens       
HEIGHT X SPREAD: 3 ft x 2 ft

PLANT TYPE: deciduous, dormant in winter.

GROWTH RATE: moderate

TEXTURE:  fine to medium 

LIGHT: Full sun to part shade

WATER: moist, to dry. Tolerates drought

SOIL: tolerates many types
As observed in Coastal NC.

BLOOMS: 30” tall and about 5 1/2” blooms, re-bloomer. Glistening gold, high bud count. Label as extended-bloomer, I have not experience that so far. Mid- season

FRUIT  AND  SEED: seeds do not produce the same variety. Propagate by division of roots.

KEY FEATURES: Great form. Tall blooms with a slim leaf foliage.
A year cycle in the life of ...... at Mooring Hitch

    When the 48 varieties collection was planted, it was a cold, rainy day. The list of details included: height, texture, flower color, evergreen to deciduous & blooming time. All I had to look out was the roots. 
    I attempted to mix & match colors, imagine height etc... however, I believe my husband suggested method: “toss them into the air and wherever they land is their home”  would have worked just as well.
   Plant occupides a corner spot on the inside part of the bed. Sun light and moisture level are good. Near by a large sugar maple that keeps growing.   Plant case esaily be divided every 3 years.

Once we made Mooring Hitch our permanent residence (Spring 2004), many truck loads of soil were deliver to build raise beds. The bare soil scream to be cover with plants.

I received a brochure offering 48 varieties of Day-lilies for $125.00 and I took it.

Day-lilies require little care: fertilize once in spring, remove dry foliage at season’s end. Occasional aphids are taking care by ladybugs. One of the 48 varieties.

01/ 2010