Orchid Onc. Tolumnia mericlones
Orchid - Evergreen
Zone: 55F - 95F degrees
Date:(1) Nov. 21, 2015 (D),
(5)Sept.10, 2016 (A,B,C,E,F)
(2) Oct. 5, 2019 (G & H)
Location: Glasshouse
Tolumnia commonly referred to as "equitant oncidiums". The foliage seldom exceeds 6 to 8 inches in height, and a 4-inch pot can house a "specimen" plant.
The species are endemic to the Caribbean Basin with many confined to a single island. Most of the species involved in modern hybrids are found in intermediate to warm conditions growing on twigs where they are exposed to bright light and air movement. Moisture is provided by high humidity and by daily rain showers or heavy dews. Due to constant air movement by the trade winds, plants never remain wet for long.
A,B,C,D,E,F = Six different mericlones
Dec. 2015 (D = Bravo ‘Nalo Beauty’)
Additional Information: The Orchid Trail. Morrisville, NC Plant (D)
OrchidsbyHausermann.com ( Illinois) (A,B,C,E,F)
D - as purchased.
B - Dec. 2016
A- Jan. 2017
E - March 2019
F - as purchased.
January 2022
G - Oct. 2019
H - Oct. 2019