Orchid-Pahpiopedilum Fanciful Flight




Paph. fanciful Flight =

(Paphiopedilum Duguesclin 'Greenery' x Paphiopedilum Saiun 'Tiddles')

Bloom is white with green line marks in hood, petals green with multiple marron spots and a pink with vein pattern pouch.

A year cycle in the life of ...... at Mooring Hitch

Plant purchased in a 4” plastic pot with Orchiata mix. 
Jan. 2016: doing well.
Fist bloom: Dec. 2016
Feb. 2017:(1) Pk. sq. 4” . In bloom now for almost 2 months.
Fall 2018: a bloom was forming, however a unexpected wind blew plant of the bench and broke stem off.
Feb. 16, 2019: Repotted into 4” AC with orchiata medium.
          Mooring Hitch Gardens       

December 2016

HEIGHT X SPREAD: medium /tall bloom

PLANT TYPE: Orchid -Evergreen Hybrid
LIGHT: filtered light, low to medium. Intermediate to warm temperature.

WATER: moist well, drained, do not allow to dry completely.
high humidity 60-70 %

SOIL: potted in medium orchiata mix.
As observed in Coastal NC.

BLOOMS: Bloom is white with green line marks, petals green with multiple marron spots and a pink with vein pattern pouch.

FRUIT  AND  SEED: N/A, propagate by  division.

mottled leaves. Leaves are large and elongated.

Additional Information: Atlantic Ave. Orchid & Garden Center

5217 Atlantic Ave. Raleigh, NC 27616 , Original source: Lehua orchids/ Hawaii.

March 2019