Source: Jenny Roufosse de Lopez

Makes 1 serving.

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Tips: Great for dipping fresh artichokes.

  Mustard Sauce

Sauce Moutarde



2  tablespoons  prepared Dijon mustard

3  tablespoons  boiling water

1/3  to 1/2 cup  olive oil or salad oil

salt and pepper to taste

lemon juice to taste (optional)

1  to 2 tablespoons  parsely or minced fresh green herbs,  (optional)

1. Rinse a small mixing bowl in hot water. Add the mustard and beat with a wire whip, adding the water by droplets.

2. Again by droplets, beat in the olive oil to make a thick, creamy sauce.

3. Beat in salt, pepper, and lemon juice to taste. Then beat in the herbs is any.


Serve with fresh artichokes. Also good for cold beef and pork.
