Source: Cindy Williams, and Lisa Harris

Makes 1 serving.

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Tips: A suggestion of flavors that go together.

Sweet Touch Salads

Cindy's Spinach or Lisa's Apples



Cindy's Spinach with Maple dressing:

Fresh Spinach

Rice noodles

Crispy bacon pieces

Sliced onions

Sliced mushrooms

Pecan pieces

Fresh mozzarella,  cut in 1/2-inch pieces

Fresh strawberries, sliced


Maple Syrup Dressing:

1  tablespoon   balsamic vinegar

1  tablespoon   cider vinegar

2  tablespoons  maple syrup

2  tablespoons  soy sauce

1  teaspoon   mustard

1  cup   olive oil

minced garlic,  to taste

salt and black pepper, to taste

Cindy's Spinach Salad with Maple syrup dressing or Lisa's Apple Salad with avocado/honey dressing can be prepare easily using the proportions of ingredients that best suit your taste.


1. Mix amount of salad ingredients as desire and in the proportion needed for your dinner party.

2. In a small bowl or dressing bottle, add all ingredients and mix until well incorporated. 

3. Use amount of dressing desire to you taste, toss and serve immediately.


Lisa's Apple Salad with Avocado dressing:

Red apple pieces with skin


Celery chopped small

Roasted cashews


Avocado dressing:

very ripe avocados, smashed

lemon juice
