Source: The Doubleday Cookbook by J. Anderson & E. Hanna

Makes 6 servings.

Preparation time: 45 minutes

Tips: Hot or cold, a great side dish for cook-outs.

Potato Salad - German Style

Cold and Hot Style



1  tablespoon  flour

3/4  cup  cold water

1/4  cup  cider vinegar

2   tablespoons  sugar

1/4  teaspoon  white pepper

2   to 3  teaspoons salt

6  medium  warm boiled potatoes,  peeled and cubed

1/2  cup  minced yellow onion

1/2  cup  minced sweet green pepper

1  cup   coarsely chopped celery

3  to 4   slices crisp cooked bacon, crumbled

6   hard-cooked eggs, peeled and diced

mayonnaise and mustard  (0ptional),  Cold version only


1. Blend flour and 2 tablespoons water in a small saucepan, add remaining water, vinegar, sugar, pepper, and 2 teaspoons salt, and cook, stirring, until mixture boils.

2.  Place potatoes, onions, green peppers and celery in a large bowl and toss lightly. Pour hot dressing and mix well.

3.  Cool to room temperature, add bacon and eggs, and toss again. Taste for salt and add more if needed.  You may add some mayonnaise and/or mustard to you taste in addition to the dressing. Serve at room temperature.



1. Cut 4 strips bacon crosswise in julienne strips, brown in a large skillet, and drain on paper toweling. In drippings stir-fry 2/3 cup minced onion until golden, 5-8 minutes.

2.  Blend in 1 tablespoon flour, add 3/4 cup water or beef broth and the vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper called for above. Heat and stir until mixture boils; keep thin into a large bowl; scatter with bacon, omit green peppers, and celery.

3. Pour hot dressing over potatoes, toss gently to mix, sprinkle with 1 tablespoon minced parsley (optional), and serve hot.
