Source: Summer picnic. Oriental, N.C.   1997

Makes 8 servings.

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Tips: Great  summer side dish.

Black Bean Confetti Salad

"Pico de Gallo" with  Black Beans and Corn



2   cups  cooked black beans, drained,  see note (1)

15  ounces  canned corn,  drained

2  to 3 large  fresh tomatoes, chopped small

1  large  onion, chopped small

1  handful  fresh cilantro,  chopped

1  large  fresh lemon, juice only

1  medium   orange, juice only

salt and pepper,  to taste

 If starting with dry black beans, start several hours ahead.


1. Soak dry  beans in cold water for a couple of hours or over night, soaking longer reduces cooking time.

2. Place drained  beans in large pot with 6 cups of water for every (1 lb.)  2 cups of dry beans. Add 1 clove garlic, a chunk of onion, 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil, salt to taste (about 2 teaspoons per pound). Simmer for about 1 hour. Just until beans are tender. Do not over cook or the beans will split.

3. To mix salad: Mix all ingredients and refrigerate for few hours to mix flavors. Serve cold or room temperature.

NOTE: 1) 1lb. of beans (2 cups dry beans) = 5 to 6 cups cooked. You may also use canned beans, rinsed and drained.

2) Salad  tastes best same or next day. Salad does not save well after second day.

3) Salad picture is missing the cilantro, sometimes difficult to find.
