Source: The Complete Book of Pastry, Sweet and Savory. B. Clayton
Makes 1 serving.
Preparation time: 1 hour
Tips: Using D'Angleterre Classic Danish pastry dough.
Danish Pastries
Snails, Bear Claws, Twists, Pinwheels
1 recipe D'Angleterre Classic Danish pastry dough
Remonce No. 1 or No.2. , see fillings recipe
Desired fillings, jellies, etc..
1 whole egg + teaspoon of water, for brushing
almonds, pecans, coarse sugar, to sprinkle top
Glaze, see fillings recipe
Preheat oven to 400 F degrees.
1. Prepare No.1 or No.2 of the Remonce or both, desired fillings, jellies and glazes depending of the variety you plan to prepare. Mix as you please shapes and flavors. See section on "Filling and Toppings" for options.
1. Any time the dough and butter get warm, and the butter softens, chill!
2. While shaping and filling pastries, for all shapes: brush with a thin amount of No.1 or No.2 Remonce before, rolling twisting, filling etc.
3. Let rise 20 to 30 minutes in a cool part of the kitchen before baking. Refrigerate during rising time if room temperature is too warm, pastries will rise somewhat despite the chill. While shaping pastries plan to accommodate baking according to your facilities. Keep pastries refrigerated while waiting to be bake if more than 30 minutes.
4. Brush pastry with egg wash before baking.
5. Optional: sprinkle with coarse raw sugar or sliced almonds or chopped pecans, etc.
6. Immediately after removing from the oven brush with selected hot glaze.
SNAILS: about 18 pieces (4" diam.)
1. On a floured surface roll about 1/3 of the dough into a thin rectangle, 18 inches wide and 1/8 inch thick.
2. With a yardstick and a pastry wheel or knife, cut dough into 3/4 to 1-inch wide strips, the length of the piece (18 inches). Cut as many as pastries desired, each strip makes one.
3. Brush each strip with "Remonce No.1 or No.2 . Hold the end of each strip and twist.
4. Pin one end on the work surface with a finger and wind the twisted dough into a coil. As you lift the snail to place it on the prepared baking pan, tuck the outside end under the body.
5. Cover snails with wax paper and let rise for about 20 to 30 minutes. Press down the top of each snail slightly and drop a level teaspoonful of either Pastry Cream or Jelly in the center, brush with egg wash.
6. Bake at 400 F degrees for 10 minutes, reduce temperature to 350 F and bake another 5 minutes, or until pastries are a light golden brown. Remove pastries from oven.
7. Brush custard or cream snails with hot " Powder Sugar Glaze". Brush jelly snails with "Apricot Glaze".
BEAR CLAWS: about 18 pieces.
1. Using 1/2 recipe Danish pastry dough, chilled. Roll out dough to about a rectangle 14x20 inches. Allow to rest for 3 minutes before cutting into 3-inch wide strips.
2. Lay strips lengthwise on the work surface. With a spatula spread a thin layer of Remonce and an equally thin layer of almond filling (or your choice of filling) over dough, leaving margins uncovered.
3. Brush uncovered margins with egg wash to seal.
4. Fold dough in half, in a long strip 1 1/2-inch wide, pressing edges together and rolling lightly over the length of the dough with the rolling pin to flatten. Repeat for all strips.
5. When all strips are filled and rolled, cut into 4-inch lengths and make three cuts across half the width, completely through the dough. For crests, lay on the lined baking pan straight; for crowns, form into a crescent.
6. Rise for 20 minutes covered with wax paper.
7. Brush with egg wash, decorate with almonds and sprinkle with coarse raw sugar.
8. Bake at 415 F degrees for 10 minutes, reduce heat to 375F degrees and bake another 20 minutes, or until golden brown.
9. Brush with warm glaze of choice.
1. Roll pastry to about 1/8-inch thick.
2. When dough has relaxed and doesn't pull back. Mark dough into 3 -inch squares and cut with a pastry wheel or knife. If necessary, roll each piece individually with a rolling pin to form a 3x3-inch square.
3. Brush with Remonce. Place a teaspoonful of cheese filling (or your choice filling) in the center of each square:
A) For envelopes: Lift two opposite corner and overlap in the center. Pinch together to secure. Brushing corners with egg wash before folding may help sealing. Pinch together to secure and place on the prepared baking pan.
B) For bundles: Bring all corners to center, ending with a square shape. Pinch together to secure.
C) For pinwheels: using pastry wheel, at each corner make a 45 degree angle cut from the middle of each corner to 1/2 way towards center. Lift one half end of each corner towards the middle, seal with egg wash and pinch to prevent lifting during baking.
4. Cover with wax paper and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Bake at 400 F degrees for about 15 minutes, or puffed and golden brown.
5. Brush with glaze while hot.
LARGE DANISH TWIST: one 12-inch ring.
1. Using 1/3 recipe of Danish pastry dough. Roll the chilled dough into a 25 x 6 inch, 1/4- inch thick rectangle. If it pulls back when rolled, allow it to relax before proceeding.
2. Brush with a thin layer of Remonce.
3. Using a spatula spread a thin layer of preferred filling (about 1 cup) such as cheese, poppy-seed, almond, apricot etc.
4. Fold lengthwise in three, one side over the other. The long strip of dough will now be about 2 inches wide. Roll it gently to press together and, at the same time, to lengthen. Straighten the dough into a long piece.
5. With a yardstick and a sharp knife make two cuts lengthwise, spaced equally, almost the full length of the strip, leaving about 1 inch uncut at the ends. The cut should be deep enough to slice through both the top and the bottom layers of dough.
6. Holding an end in each hand, twist the length of dough to form a long twist. Stretch the dough slightly as you work. Hold or weigh down the ends for a moment to allow the twist to relax, or it may unwind. Shape into a ring. Cross the uncut ends and press to join. Hold the joined sections together firmly with one hand, and with the other hand flip the ring over so that the ends are hidden beneath. Press the top of the ring to flatten somewhat.
7. Cover the twist with wax paper and let rise for about 20 to 30 minutes.
8. Brush with egg wash. Sprinkle with almonds and/or coarse sugar.
9. Place on the middle shelf of the hot oven. Bake for 15 minutes at 400 F degrees, reduce oven temperature to 350 F degrees and continue baking for additional 30 to 40 minutes, or until a golden brown. In the mean time heat the preferred glaze. 10. Remove twist from the oven and while still hot brush with glaze. Move to a rack to cool.
NOTE: 1 recipe makes (approximately 3 pounds of dough) = 3medium Large Twists, 3 dozen medium pastries or 4 to 5 dozen miniature pastries.