Source:The New Doubleday Cookbook
by J. Anderson & Elaine Hanna
Makes 6- 8 servings.
Preparation time: 2 hours
Tips: Whip cream will last a couple of days in the refrigerator without becoming runny if prepared as indicated*.
Banana Cream Pie
on Flaky pastry crust
Flaky Pastry: one single crust 8”, 9” or 10” pie
1 1/4 cups sifted flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup vegetable shortening or lard, chilled
1/4 cup ice water
1 cup heavy or whip cream cooled in mixer bowl
1/2 teaspoon unflavored gelatin powder
1 tablespoon cold water
1.Place flour and salt in a shallow mixing bowl and cut in shortening with fingers until the shortening pieces are about the size of peas. Sprinkle water over surface, 1 tablespoon at a time and mix in lightly and quickly with a fork, just until pastry holds together. Shape gently into a ball on a lightly floured pastry cloth, then flatten into s circle about 1” thick, evening rough edges.
2.Using a floured, stockinette-covered rolling pin, roll into a circle about 3” larger than the pan you plan to use. Transfer pastry to pan, smooth cracks, roll over edge and flute to make a rim.
3.Heat oven o 425 F degrees. Prick bottom and sides of pastry well with a fork. Place weight/ foil inside shell to minimize shrinkage. Bake for 10-12 minutes until tan. Remove weight/foil. Cool before filling. Set aside and prepare filling.
4.Mix flour, cornstarch, sugar and salt in a saucepan. Slowly blend in milk and heat stirring until thickened and smooth; turn heat to lowest point, add egg yolks and heat and stir for 1-2 minutes over the lowest heat until quite thick; do not boil or mixture will curdle. Off heat mix vanilla and butter. Place a circle of wax paper directly on mixture and cool to room temperature.
5.To assemble, pour half of the filling into pie shell. Peel bananas, slice 1/4” thick, and arrange evenly over filling. Top with remaining filling. Refrigerate for 20 -30 minutes while preparing topping.
6.Soften the gelatin in the cold water, then warm it until the gelatin dissolves/liquifies. Cool it few seconds but do not let it set. Beat into the cream just a the cream begins to thicken.
7.Using a pastry bag and a star shape tip. Top the entire surface of the pie with stars or zig-zag lines that form 8 triangles as pie pieces, or with design of your choice. Keep refrigerated. Pie is best if cream filling/ pie has been refrigerated for several hours before serving.
NOTE: * Procedure to stabilize whipped cream comes from: Professional Baking by: Wayne Gisslen 1946
2 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 3/4 cups milk
3 egg yolks, lightly beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon butter
3 or 4 large ripe bananas