Source: Southwest tastes by  Ellen Brown  (modified)

Makes 4 servings.

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Tips: Serve with Mexican dishes or use for" Flautas".

Tortillas - Flour

Gorditas de Harina



2   cups   flour

1/4  cup   shortening,  see note (1)

3/4  cup  very hot water

1  teaspoon  salt

1  teaspoon  baking powder

1. Mix flour, salt and baking powder. Using hands or mixer, mix shortening until the mixture becomes a coarse, even meal. Mix in  about 2/3 cup of water, adding it all at once, and knead for 2 minutes, or until the dough has the consistency of a stiff bread dough. If dry and crumbly, add extra water; if too moist, add a few tablespoons of additional flour.

2. Cover the dough and allow it to rest for 20 minutes. Heat a skillet or griddle over medium-high heat until hot enough that a drop of water immediately sizzles and evaporates. Do NOT grease skillet or grill.

3. Using a rolling pin and a floured surface. Take a pinch of dough and roll to a very thin circle. Place it in the hot skillet and cook for about 30-45 seconds, or until bubbles begin to form on the top and few golden spots.Turn and cook 20 seconds, remove and keep warm by placing it in a cloth napkin or towel. Serve warm wrapped under a towel.


Refrigerate or freeze in a plastic sealed bag.

NOTE: 1)  Excessive shortening will make tortillas brittle.

2) To reheat tortillas place on griddle or warm oven. If heated on microwave tortillas will be soft only for few minutes and then turn brittle or tough.

 Makes 12- 18 tortillas, depending on the size.  3-4 tortillas per person  are usually sufficient for a dinner meal.

       Mexican Foods