Source: Mastering the Art of French Cooking Vol. 1 by Julia Child

Makes 6 servings.

Preparation time: 3 hours

Tips: Great Easter meal!

Lamb Stew with Spring Vegetables

Navarin Printanier



3  pounds  lamb stew meat, select a mixture of parts,  see note (1)

2  to 4 Tbs.  rendered fresh pork fat or cooking oil

1   tablespoon  sugar

1   teaspoon  salt

1/4  teaspoon  pepper

3  tablespoons  flour

2  to 3 cups  brown lamb or beef stock or, canned beef bouillon

1 cup   ripe tomatoes, peeled, juiced and chopped,  see note (2)

2  cloves   mashed garlic

1/4  teaspoon  thyme or rosemary

1  bay leaf

6  to 12  peeled "boiling" potatoes

6  peeled carrots

6   peeled turnips

12  to 18  peeled white onions about 1" diameter

1  cup   shelled green peas or frozen peas

1/4  pound   fresh green beans  (about 1 cup), cut into 1/2" pieces

3 quarts  boiling water

1 1/2  tablespoons  salt

Preheat oven to 450 F degrees. (see note 3)

1. Cut the lamb into 2-inch cubes and dry with paper towels. The meat will not brown if it is damp. Brown a few pieces at a time in hot fat or oil in the skillet. As they are browned, place them in a fire proof casserole with cover, large enough to accommodate meat and all vegetables.

2. Sprinkle the lamb in the casserole with sugar and toss over moderately high heat for 3 to 4 minutes until the sugar has caramelized. This will give a fine amber color to the sauce.

3. Toss the meat with the salt and pepper, then with the flour. Set casserole uncovered in middle level of preheated oven for 4 to 5 minutes. Toss the meat and return it to the oven for 4 to 5 minutes more. This browns the flour evenly and coats the lamb with a light crust. Remove the casserole from oven and turn oven down to 350 F degrees.

4. Pour out the fat; add 2 cups of stock or bouillon to the saute skillet. Bring to the boil and scrape up coagulated saute juices. Then pour the liquid into the casserole. Bring to the simmer for a few seconds shaking and stirring to mix liquid and flour. Add the tomatoes and the other ingredients EXCEPT vegetables. Bring to the simmer for 1 minute, then add more stock if necessary; meat should be almost covered by liquid.

5. Put the lid on the casserole and set in lower third of preheated oven; regulate heat so casserole simmers slowly and regularly for 1 hour. While casserole simmers, prepare vegetables as follows.

6. Vegetables preparation:

 -Trim the potatoes into ovals 1 1/2-inches long, and cover with cold water until ready to use.

 -Quarter the carrots and turnips, cut them into 1 1/2 inch lengths, and, if you have the patience, trim the edges to round them slightly.

- Pierce a cross in the root ends of the onions so they will cook evenly.

7. Then pour the contents of the casserole into a sieve set over a bowl. Rinse out the casserole. Remove any loose bones and return the lamb to the casserole. Skim the fat off the sauce in the bowl, correct seasoning, and pour sauce back into casserole.

8. Press the vegetables into the casserole around and between the pieces of lamb. Baste with the sauce. Bring to the simmer on top of the stove, cover and return to the oven. Regulate heat so liquid simmers slowly and steadily for about an hour longer or until the meat and vegetables are tender when pierced with a fork. Remove from oven, tilt casserole, and skim off fat. Taste sauce again, and correct seasoning.

9. While the casserole is in the oven, drop the peas (if fresh) and beans into the boiling water and boil rapidly, uncovered for 5 minutes or until the vegetables are almost tender. Immediately drain in a colander. Run cold water over them for 2 to 3 minutes to stop the cooking and to set the color. Put aside until ready to use.

10.  May prepare dish ahead to this point. Set casserole aside, cover askew. Bring to the simmer on top of the stove before proceeding with recipe.

11. Shortly before serving, place the peas and beans in the casserole on top of the other ingredients and baste with the bubbling sauce. Cover and simmer about 5 minutes or until the green vegetables are tender.


Serve from  its casserole or arrange it on a very hot platter.

NOTE: 1)  Selecting meat cuts for stewing: count 1 lb. boneless for every 2-3 people

-Shoulder: lean and meaty, a bit dry

-Breast: provides fat and texture

-Short Ribs: provide fat and texture, and the bones give flavor

-Neck: has a gelatinous quality which gives body to the sauce.

2) Fresh tomatoes may be substituted for 3 Tbs. tomato paste.

3) Stew may be simmered on top of the stove but the more uniform and surrounding heat of the oven is preferable. Stew may be prepared in the morning and finished 10 to 15 minutes just before dinner time (see preparation).

       Meat Dishes