Source: Ana Maria Kruger

Makes 4 servings.

Preparation time: 1:30 hours

Tips: A easy dish for a cool night.

Chicken Paprika

Hungarian Style



2  tablespoons   olive oil

2  tablespoons   butter

8  chicken thigh, no skin

2  large  yellow onions, thinly sliced

2  cups  chicken broth, approximately

3  to 4 Tbs  hot Hungarian paprika

4  tablespoons  flour

3/4  to 1 cup  whipping cream

salt and pepper to taste

1.In a large bowl mix flour and paprika. Coat chicken pieces with the flour mixture.

2. In a large  enough skillet to accommodate all chicken parts, heat oil and butter at medium high. Brown chicken pieces will in all sides at high heat. Remove chicken.

3. In the same skillet, brown onions for about 8 to 10 minutes, adding  more oil if needed.

4. Return chicken pieces to the skillet, sprinkle with any leftover flour/paprika mixture. Add chicken bouillon  , enough to simmer chicken slowly scraping flour\paprika mixture from the bottom of the pan to prevent sticking, Simmer cover for about 45 minutes scraping frequently. Add more stock if necessary. Cook until chicken is tender and almost detaching from the bones. Sauce should be thick and dark. Taste for salt and pepper, adjust. If stock use is salty this dish may not need any salt added.

5. Add whipping cream and cook uncover until desired thickness: gravy like. If the sauce is too liquid, remove the chicken to a platter, boil the sauce off to thicken. Return chicken to pan to reheat.

6. Serve at once with plenty of mash potatoes

NOTE: Makes 4 dinner servings

       Meat Dishes