Source:Italian Cooking Class Cookbook  by Edt. Consumer Guide

Makes 6 servings.

Preparation time: 2:30 hours

Tips: Great served cold the next day.

  Timballo de Pasta          "Ana Maria"

Pasta Wrapped & Pasta Filling



3/4  recipe  semolina flour Pasta cut int 3 long strips,  6" wide

10  ounces  penne pasta, cooked  al dente


FILLING:  layers 1 & 3

3  tablespoons  olive oil

4  medium  fresh tomatoes, chopped

1/2  medium  eggplant, peeled and diced

1/2  large  onion, sliced

1/2  red bell pepper, sliced

2 cloves  garlic, chopped

3 leaves  fresh basil, chopped

1/3  cup  grated Parmesan cheese


FILLING:  layer 2

3  hard boiled eggs, cut in halves

10 ounces  fresh spinach raw,  see note (1)

3  tablespoons  butter

8  ounces  ham strips about 2"x1/4"x1/4" (1 cup)

8  mushrooms, sliced

1  cup  whipping cream

6  canned  artichoke hearts, cut in halves


1/2  recipe  Bechamel sauce, see Timballo de Pasta "AC"

salt and pepper to season

Butter well a 10" spring mold, set aside.


1. Cook pasta strips in boiling water one at a time for about 1 minutes each. Rinse in cool water, set aside, flat and not overlaping.


2. Prepare filling layers 1 & 3.

Cook penne pasta and set aside in a large bowl.

In a large skillet, heat olive oil for few minutes. Add diced eggplant and brown for about 5 minutes. Add onion, peppers and garlic, cook for another 5 minutes at medium heat.Add chopped tomatoes and 1 teaspoon of salt and black pepper to taste. Cook uncover for about 10 minutes or until tomato sauce has thicken. Remove from heat.

Add sauce to reserved penne pasta. Add Parmesan cheese and fresh basil, toss and set aside.


3. Prepare filling layer 2.

In a skillet, heat the 3 tablespoons of butter. Add ham strips and brown for about 10 minutes, turning in all sides. Add fresh mushrooms and cook for a minute or two. Add whipping cream. Under medium heat, scrape the skillet to blend in the flavors of the browned ham. Cook at medium heat until the sauce thickens about 15 minutes. When barely enough sauce is left to soak the fresh spinach, add fresh spinach and cook just for a moment until spinach shrivels. Remove from heat.


4. Prepare Bechamel sauce as directed in Timballo de Pasta "Anne Catherine"


5. To assemble: Brush pasta sheet with bechamel sauce. Place sheet centered at bottom of buttered spring pan, sauced side touching pan bottom. Now brush the inside pasta sheet with bechamel sauce. Repeat with other sheets of pasta to complete  lining the pan. After filling are added, sheets should be big enough to wrap filling completely. Brush all pasta sheets in the inside to seal before pouring filling.


6. Pour 1/2  of the filling layers 1 & 3, insert 1/2 the artichoke pieces into filling. Add  the hard boiled egg pieces on top. Add filling layer 2 mixture. Top with remaining filling layers 1 & 3 mixture. Brush pasta sheets generously with bechamel sauce. Wrap pasta around using bechamel sauce to seal the wrapper.


7. Bake at 375F degrees for about 30-40 minutes or until golden brown and crispy.

Immediately out of the oven, invert in platter, carefully remove mold and serve, OR,  remove ring and leave top side up and serve.

NOTE: 1) May replace  with frozen spinach, defrosted and well drained. Squeeze all water until a solid bulk of spinach is obtained or it will thin the sauce.

 2) Timballo is a bit too moist for a perfect slice presentation. If presentation is important, bake the day before and re-heat the next day.

       Grains & Pastas