Source: Ana Maria Kruger
Makes 1serving.
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Tips: Make great breakfast pastries.
Fillings for Croissants
Ham & Gruyere. Almond Paste. Chocolate
See specific flavor.
HAM & CHEESE: about 1/2 ounce combine per croissant
1. Cut Gruyere cheese into thin strips
2. Take a ham slice, about 1/2" thick, cut strips about 2" long, 1/4" wide. Griddle for few minutes until quite dry .
3. Cool to room temperature before filling.
4. Place ham and cheese pieces at top center of triangle and roll tight making sure cheese is sealed inside or it will melt out.
NOTE: 1) May replace with Almond Paste "Homemade" recipe in this section.
2) Almond paste and Chocolate paste may be frozen for later use.
3) Remaining glaze may also be frozen, just wrap the plastic bags containing glaze and place them in sealed freezer bag for next batch. Plastic bag may need to be replace for next drizzling.
ALMOND PASTE FILLING: (fills about 40 croissants)
7 oz. can or roll SOLO Almond paste (see note 1)
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 tsp. almond extract
1 egg
3 Tbs. butter
2 Tbs. flour
1. Mix until smooth.
2. Place about a Tablespoon or so of filling per croissant.
3. To distinguish croissant when baking multiple flavors, place a almond slice half way into top fold so that the almond slice is visible.
4. Decorate croissants after baking while warm with dripping Glaze and sliced almonds.
GLAZE: 1 Tbs. butter, 1/2 cup powdered sugar, 1 Tbs. whipping cream, almond extract (if desired) and warm water as needed. Heat in microwave or on top stove to boil. It thickness as it cools. To decorate croissants, take a plastic sandwich bag, with scissors cut a tiny end of one corner. Place warm glaze inside bag and press glaze out of small hole making a design on top of each croissant. Using glaze, glue few almond slices to the top.
CHOCOLATE: (fills about 6 croissants)
1 Tbs. of cocoa powder, level
2 Tbs. powdered sugar, heaped
1/2 Tbs. butter
1 tsp. hot water
1. Mix to a soft paste. You may also use chocolate chips as filling or a chunk of good dark fine chocolate instead of the paste, use about 1/4 to 1/2 oz. per croissant.
2. To Decorate drizzle with chocolate Glaze.
CHOCOLATE GLAZE: add 1 Tbs. cocoa powder or 1 oz. semi-sweet chocolate. chips to above glaze. Proceed as per Almond croissants. Omit almond slices.