Source: Postres de America by Kena Magazine  Sp. Edt. Oct.1972

Makes 40 servings.

Preparation time: 2 hours

Tips: Good fall treat.



2  cups  flour approx, more if needed

3/4  cup  vegetable shortening, melted and browned,  see directions

1/3  cup  dark beer


2   cups  pumpkin cooked with piloncillo,  see note (1)


1  egg + 1 tsp water, for brushing

Preheat oven to 375 F degrees. Line  with Teflon or grease lightly baking sheets and set aside.


1. In a small saucepan, melt and heat on high the vegetable shortening until it start to smoke a little. Set aside to cool.

2.In a mixing bowl, place flour, add shortening  and incorporate. Add enough dark beer to moist dough and form a pliable but not loose dough. With your hands gather dough into a ball, cover with plastic wrap and leave to rest for about 30 minutes.

3. Using a rolling pin and a well floured surface, roll dough to about 1/8-inch thick. Cut dough using a 3 1/2" cookie cutter. Place about one scant spoon of pumpkin filling in each circle. Fold circle in half and carefully seal edge by pressing. By pinch and rolling your thumb and index finger make a fluted rim all around.

4. Place each "empanadita" in prepared baking sheets. Brush tops with egg wash.

5. Bake at 375 F degrees for about 20 minutes or until the cookies are slightly golden on the top and edges.

NOTES : 1) Piloncillo, raw sugar found in Mexican grocery stores sold in chunks. If not available use dark brown sugar instead.

Place fresh pumpkin, peel and cut  into about 5x5-inch squares in a large pot with enough water to cover and about 1 cup brown sugar or piloncillo. Cook until very soft and all liquid is about gone. Smash pumpkin adding more sugar if needed to taste.

Makes about 40 ( 3 1/2") cookies.


  Pumpkin Turnovers

Empanaditas de Cerveza