Source: The Book of Chocolates & Petits Fours. B. Sutherland Smith

Makes 50 servings.

Preparation time: 45 minutes



1/4  cup  butter

1/2  cup  superfine sugar,  see note (1)

1   cup   ground almonds

2   whole  eggs

2   tablespoons  flour



1/4  cup  butter

1/3  cup  sugar (3 oz.)

1/4  cup  light corn syrup (2 oz.)

3/4  cup  almond flakes

1. Preheat oven to 350 F degrees. Grease bottom and sides of a 15"x10" jelly-roll pan.

2. In a medium bowl, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.

3. Add ground almonds, eggs and flour and mix well.

4. Spread mixture evenly in prepared jelly-roll pan.

5. Bake in preheated oven 10 minutes until golden. While baking, make topping.

6. To make topping, melt butter, sugar and corn syrup in a small saucepan over low heat.

7. Stir in almond flakes. Cook over medium heat 2 minutes.

8. Pour topping over baked cookie layer; smooth evenly.

9. Bake 5 to 8 minutes until golden brown. Cool in pan on wire rack 10 minutes. Run a knife along the edges of pan to loosen cookie. Cool completely in pan. Cut into 2.5-inch squares.

NOTES : 1) To make super fine sugar, place sugar in blender and blend until very fine, resembling almost  powdered sugar.

2) Store in an airtight container up to 1 week.

Makes 50 squares.


Glazed Almond Squares