Source: The Professional Pastry Chef by Bo Friberg
Makes 40 servings.
Preparation time: 1 hour
Tips: Select Full or 1/4 recipe
For full recipe: (16"x12" pan)
14 ounces walnuts or pecans ( about 3 cups, halves)
24 ounces sweet dark chocolate
16 ounces unsalted butter (4 sticks)
28 ounces granulated sugar (3 1/2 cups)
8 whole eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 pound bread flour (4 cups)
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
6 ounces dark raisins (about 1 cup) OPTIONAL, see note (1)
1. Chop the nuts into raisin-sized pieces and set aside.
2. Cut the chocolate into chunks, place in a bowl with the butter and melt together over simmering water. Set aside to cool.
3. Line the bottom of a half-sheet pan (16"x12") for full recipe, square pan (9"x9") for 1/4 recipe with baking paper.
4. Whip the sugar, eggs, and vanilla at high speed until light and fluffy. Fold into the cooled chocolate mixture.
5. Sift the flour with the baking powder and stir into the chocolate. Add about 3/4 of the nuts (and the raisins if you are using them).
6. Spread the batter evenly in the prepared pan. Sprinkle the remaining 1/4 of the nuts over the top.
7. Bake at 400 F degrees for about 30 minutes or until the cake is completely set but still slightly soft. Cool and slice into pieces of the desired size. (see note 2)
NOTES : 1) Bo Friberg's comments:I happen to like raisins, so in the 2d edition of my book I added the raisins mixed in with the walnuts. I have not gotten into so much trouble since I used someone's sewing scissors to cut paper!. The word I get from my students and the customers at the school is that adding raisins to Brownies is un-American. So, the raisins are gone and are now just a (humble) option.
2) These brownies hold together well if you are cutting them small.
Makes: full recipe about 40 (2"x2" pieces), 1/4 recipe about 16 (2"x2" pieces)
For 1/4 recipe: (9"x9" pan)
4 ounces walnuts or pecans (about 1 cup ,halves)
6 ounces sweet dark chocolate
4 ounces unsalted butter (1 stick)
7 ounces granulated sugar (7/8 cup)
2 whole eggs
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 ounces bread flour ( 1 cup)
1/8 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 cup dark raisins OPTIONAL
Brownies "Pastry Chef Style"