Source: Kena Magazine. Postres de America, Special Edition Oct. 1972
Makes 1 serving
Preparation time: 24 hours
Tips: Delicious to eat as desserts/ snacks. Use for baking also.
Crystallized Fruit
"Mexican Style"
Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Pumpkin & more
Oranges, Lemons, Grapefruits. Thick skin
6 to 10 oranges, lemons or grapefruits
5 cups granulated sugar (2 1/4 lbs = 1 Kg), see note (1)
2 1/2 cups water, see note (1)
1/4 teaspoon salt and water to boil
Pumpkin, Yams and Figs.
2 pounds fruit, clean, peeled, no seeds or string, weight clean
5 cups granulated sugar (2 1/4 lbs = 1 Kg)
1/4 teaspoon "cal viva" = quick lime, see note (2). Omit for figs
1 lemon or lime, for figs only
1. Cut a small circle around the stem of each fruit. Carefully extract all pulp without breaking the peel. (Using the 1/2 orange peels after making orange juice work well).
2. Place prepared peels, salt and enough water to cover in a pot. Boil for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, rinse peels.
3. Boil peels once again this time in water without salt for another 10 minutes. Drain and leave to cool.
4. In a large pot, place sugar and water (see note 1). Adjust amount of syrup to cover the amount of peels prepared maintaining the same sugar/water ratio. Over high heat bring sugar to a boil, when all foam have subsided and the syrup looks clear and starts to thicken, add the peels one by one. Cook under low heat for approximately 1 hour.
5. Remove from heat. Leave peels soaking in the syrup overnight.
6. The next morning, bring syrup and peels to a boil for 10 minutes.
7. Remove peels from syrup and place in a tray to drain and dry, about 24 to 48 hours. Depending of humidity fruit may take 3 days to dry so that it is not sticky to the touch.
8. Fruits will keep soft and flavorful for at least two weeks.
1. Cut cleaned fruit in about 3-inch pieces. Place in a bowl with the "cal viva" and enough water to cover. Leave to soak overnight. Next day, drain and rinse in fresh water.
2. Place sugar and 2 cups water to boil. After all foaming subsides and syrup starts to thickens, add fruit pieces one by one. reduce heat and simmer until fruit becomes translucent and the syrup is almost all consumed, using a candy thermometer cook syrup and fruit to 244 F degrees (firm ball).
3. Remove fruit pieces and place in a rack to drain and dry.
1. Using a fork, place grooves along the figs skins and prick at various places.
2. Place figs in enough water to cover them. Bring to a boil, quickly remove from heat and drain.
3. Mix sugar with 2 cups of water and juice of the lemon or lime. When syrup starts to boil, add figs one by one and simmer at low heat until figs are cooked.
4. Mix carefully with a wooden spoon, do not break into pieces. Remove to drain and dry on rack.
NOTES : 1) Adjust syrup amount to cover the fruit to be prepared maintaining the same sugar/water ratio.
2) Quick lime or "cal viva" is difficult to find, you may need to contact a specialty pharmacy. Soak in water only if unable to find.
"Frutas Cristalizadas" are very popular in Mexico. Try whole peaches and pears, same method, remove their skins before preparing.