Source:The Professional Pastry Chef by Bo Friberg
Makes about 10-15 croissants (3 or 2 onces each)
Preparation time: 8 hours (best spread in two days)
Tips: Make dough & layer day 1. Cut, shape & bake day 2. Freeze if later use.
Croissants- Pastry Chef
Flaky & light with chewy interior
Few drops of lemon juice
2 1/4 cup (12 ounces) (340 grams) Bread flour
1 1/2 sticks (6 ounces) (170 grams) chilled unsalted butter (see note 1)
1 Tablespoon instant dry yeast or 1 ounce (30 grams) fresh compressed yeast
1/4 cup (60 ml) tepid warm milk
3/4 cup (180 ml) cold milk
4 teaspoons (20 grams) granulated sugar
1 Tablespoon (15 ml) honey
2 teaspoons (10grams) salt
Egg wash - for brushing = 1 whole egg + 1 Tablespoon milk, wisk together
1.Measure flour and milk spearately and set aside.
2.Spread a telfon sheet or parchment paper on working table. Place 3 Tablespoons of the flour measured, lemon drops and the chilled butter on teflon/patchment sheet. With your fingers, work the flour into the butter to a soft even consistency. Do not use a mixer.
3.Shape the butter into a 5 inch square. It will be farely thick, about 1 inch. Keep it on the parchment paper and set aside. If the room is too warm, place it in the refrigerator, but do not let it get too firm. If this happens, rework and reshape the butter back to the original consistency.
4. In Mixer or mixing bowl, place tepic warm milk and dry yeast/ or fresh yeast, mix. Let stand for about 5 minutes until totally dissolved. Add cold milk.
5.Using either a mixer dough hook or spatula & hands: To the yeast mixture, add the granulated sugar, honey and the salt. Mix for a few seconds, then start adding the remaining flour. Mix in enough flour to
make a dough that is slightly firm but not rubbery. Take care not to mix any longer than necessary.
6.Place the dough on a table dusted lightly with flour, roll it out to a 7 inch square, it will be about 1/2 inch
7.Check the butter to be sure that it is smooth and at the same consistency of the dough, and adjust if necessary. Place the butter square diagonally so that there are 4 traingles on the sides, and seal the butter.
8. Give the dough 3 “single” turns, direction as follow:
First “single” turn
- Roll the dough into a rectangle 1/2 inch thick as carefully and evenly as possible.
-Divide the rectangle crosswise into thirds by sight alone.
-Fold 1/3 of the dough over the middle section, then fold the remaining 1/3 over both of them, brushing away any excess flour from the inside as you fold. The dough now has 1 single turn.
-Refrigerate, covered, for 30 minutes.
Second “single” turn
-Position the dough so that the long sides run horizontally, roll the dough to the same size rectangle as before, and make the second single turn
-Chill the dough, covered for 30 minutes; then make the last and Third single turn
-Refrigerate, covered inside plastic bag for at least 2 hours. Dough may be kept for 2 days as long as your refrigerator is cold enough to prevent the dough from rising (below 40F degrees). Dough should not rise while in the refrigerator, select the coldest spot. If dough starts to proof in the refrigerator, it will lower the quality of the finish product and possibly making the dough taste sour. As long as dough does not rise, it can be kept in refrigerator for 2 to 3 days.
9. You are now ready to cut and shape the croissants. Croissant will need to rise until slightly less than double in volume, ideally at a 78-82 F degree with 80 % humidity. Depending on the temperature of your home, it may take several hours. Plan accordingly for baking schedule. Best not to rush the rise step but plan ahead. If you proof them in a area too hot, the butter may start to leak out. If butter starts to leak out during baking it may be because they have not proofed enough.
10. Take dough out of refrigerator. Place on rolling mat and let it reach room tempaerature for about 20 minutes or until the dough when you press with the palm of your hand feels soft enough to roll with ease. Roll the dough into a rectangle that is slightly thinner than 1/4 inch (for a 3 ounce croissant), about 1/8 inch for 2 ounce croissants. Using a pizza cutter or sharpe knife, trim all 4 edges to reveal all layers. Reserve trimmings and place them inside croissants when shaping.
- A strip of about 9-10 inches wide will allow you to cut croissants at about every 4 1/2 - 5 inches in a alternating up/down triangle pattern, or, into rectangles for filled croissants. Depending on size, about 10-15 croissants. I usually obtain 10-12 croissants.
11.Make a 1/2 inch cut in the center of the short side on each croissant. Pull the cuts apart a little, place filling if any or dough trimmings, then form the Crosissants by rolling the triangles. Roll them up tightly, but do not stretch the dough too much.
12.Form each one into a crescent shape as you place them on a sheet pan lined with baking paper. The tip of the croissant should be inside the center curve and tucked underneath so that the Croissant do not unroll.
*See note 3: At this point you may freeze the paistries without risen to bake other days. Place rolled croissants on baking tyflon sheets, place them in the freezer until hard to handle, several hours. Place in freezer bags once completely frozen. Save well for about 2 months.
Brush the Croissants with egg-wash or milk (See note 2). Do not put more than 8 or 9 into a 18x13 inch sheet pan, to ensure that they bake evenly. If too crowded, they will get over-done on the ends before they are fully baked in the middle. Cover trays with a up side down box or pan to keep them free of draft and prevent them from drying out.
13.Let Croissants rise until slightly less than doubled in volume, this can take 2-3 hours depending of the temperature of your kitchen. Close to end of proofing, pre-heat oven to 385F degrees.
14. Brush once more with egg wash or milk (optional). Brushing gives them a golden color and slight crusty tops.
15. Bake at 385F degrees until golden and baked through, about 25-30 minutes for 3 oz. size, 15-25 min. for 2 oz. size. Convection Bake NOT recommended, pastries will brown too quickly.
16. Let croissants cool in a wire rack. They will keep well for 24 hrs. in a open container. Or freeze for later, place in hot oven for about 6 to 10 minutes to restore flaky crust.
NOTES : Find fillings for croissants under Fillings and Frostings.
1)Original recipe calls for 2 1/2 sticks of butter (10 ounces). I tested using only 2 sticks (8 ounces) of butter. Also tested using only 1 1/2 sticks (6 ounces). Recipe works with all, my preference been the less aoumt of 1 1/2 sticks (6 ounces).
2)I prefer to brush the croissants with milk ONLY.
3)Pastries freeze well inmediately after shaping, without the last rise. The night before you wish for freshly baked croissants for breakfast, place croissants on baking tray, brush with milk, and cover loosly with a large pot or tray to simulate a proofing box and leave on the counter overnight. By morning the croissants will be defrosted, risen and ready to bake as if you work all night to make them. No need to brush again before place into the preheated oven.