Source: TAPAS, The little dishes of Spain by Penelope Casas
Makes 40 servings
Preparation time: 2 hour
Tips: Prepare dough & filling 24 hrs. ahead.
Meat Turnovers “Spicy”
Empanadillas de Carne
DOUGH: prepare 24 hrs. ahead
3 cups unbleached flour
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
3/4 cup ice water
4 1/2 teaspoons vinegar
2 small egg yolks
1 cup lard or vegetable shortening, see note 1
FILLING: best prepared 24 hrs ahead
4 tablespoons raisins
4 tablespoons olive oil
2 medium onion, finely chopped
2 large garlic cloves, minced
1/2 pound ground veal
1/2 pound ground pork
1/2 pound ground beef
salt & freshly ground pepper
DOUGH. Select the ORIGINAL or 3-MINUTE method. ( The 3 minute method may result in a less flaky pastry but it is a lot easier to work with.)
1. Mix flour and salt in a large bowl. Incorporate the water, vinegar and egg yolks and work with hands or mixer until the dough forms a smooth ball. Let sit cover with plastic wrap for 30 minutes.
2. Roll the dough into a 10x15- inches rectangle. With a rubber spatula spread 1/3 cup of the lard or shortening over the dough. With the aid of a knife, fold one side over the top, then fold over the side, business letter fashion. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerated for 15 minutes.
3. Using another 1/3 cup of the lard, repeat step (2) refrigerate 15 minutes more.
4. Repeat step (3), this time leaving the dough refrigerated for 1 hour. The dough is better still if refrigerated overnight. May be frozen or kept in refrigerator for 2-3 days.
1. Mix flour, salt and shortening or lard with flat paddle of mixer for few seconds until it forms crumbs, then add the remaining ingredients just to incorporate. Wrap dough in plastic and let sit for 30 minutes in refrigerator. Proceed with ORIGINAL method steps 2, 3 & 4, rolling and folding no longer needing to add the shortening or lard.
FILLING PREPARATION: (works best if prepared 24 hrs. ahead)
Soak the raisins in warm water to cover for about 10 minutes. Heat oil in a skillet and saute the onion and garlic until the onion is wilted. Add the ground veal, pork, and beef and cook over moderately high heat, stirring, until the meat loses its color. Season well with salt and pepper. Drain the raisins and add to the skillet with the parsley, oregano, paprika, cumin, wine, tomato sauce and paste, and hard boiled egg. Cover and cook slowly for about 5 minutes. Filling should be moist but not liquid, remove cover and continue cooking until liquid evaporates, about 15 minutes. Cool completely before using. Refrigerated filling makes it easier to work with dough-shaping process.
1. Roll the dough to a 10x15-inch rectangle, fold in thirds as in dough preparation, then roll again to less than 1/8-inch thickness.
2. Using a 3 1/2-inch cookie cutter cut circles, place about 2 tsps. of filling in the center of each circle. Fold in half and seal well with your fingers, then press with the tines of a fork, or press and fold with your thumb with a rolling motion for a decorative edge. Pastries can be filled, then refrigerated or frozen until baking time.
3. Brush with the beaten egg. Bake on a lightly greased cookie sheet at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes, or until a deep golden color. Baking time may vary depending on size and thickness of pastries.
While baking mix Tarragon Sauce ingredients.
Serve hot or room temperature with Tarragon sauce on the side.
NOTES: Makes 1 large two crust pie, or two 10-inch pies or about 40 (3") turnovers.
1) Lard produces a more flavorful and flaky pastry, but vegetable shortening also works well and it is easier to work with.
2) Diagram shows how to incorporate lard into dough if using Original method.
2 tablespoons parsley, minced
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1/4 teaspoon oregano
1/2 teaspoon paprika Spanish style
4 tablespoons dry white wine
2 tablespoons tomato paste
1/4 cup tomato sauce
1 hard-boiled egg, minced
2 eggs + 2 tsp. water, slightly beaten (to brush only)
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon crushed dry tarragon leaves
salt & black pepper to taste