All Needful Things
Many things make our lives enjoyable.
For me, Family, Cooking, Gardening and Sewing/Knitting are my passions.
Here, I want to share them all.
Husband , father & grandpa.
Cooking? mainly new ideas at OptoSonics.
Gardening? Mooring Hitch could not survive without his mowing, trimming and endless design advice.
Sewing/Knitting? Maybe in his next life.
Daughter, Chef, Sailor, Accountant & aunt.
Cooking? Former Chef /Owner of A Caprice Kitchen uses mainly Seattle farmer’s products in her Kitchen.
Sailing? Former Steward on board Pacific Catalyst, her home away from home.
Master of many trades and travels.
Learn more (updated:12/26/2010)
Daughter, Visual Artist & mother.
Jenny is Dean of Education, Communications and Fine Arts at Iowa Western Community College, Council Bluffs, IA
Sons: Ayden Anthony. December 5th, 2008 .
Grayson Charles. December 30th, 2010.
Find Jenny’s work @
and at :Kiechel Fine Art Gallery
Learn more (updated: April 28, 2014)
My present to my daughters on their 18th Birthdays.
The Original printed book was completed in 2003, however, I will continue to add new recipes online as I discover them.
Updated 08/9/2021
Garden Books: Mooring Hitch & Stonehenge
A collection of what I learned from Nature during my lifetime of gardening.
Gardening for me, is not only a physical activity, but a time to explore my mind, enjoy the outdoors and learn.
Noel Road Gardens
Ana Maria’s First Gardens
Gabe Kruger:
Son, husband, Computer Guru & uncle.
He and his wife, Brett, live in Indianapolis.
Learn more (updated; 12/26/10)
Playing with threads, fabrics and yarns always had a allure to me.
At age six, my mother thought me to use her sewing machine. It was her smart way of stopping me from destroying her machine. I was known to be a sneaky child.
The General Store, where my mother shopped, carried a limited supply of inexpensive fabrics. Any good behavior on my part resulted in a reward of 1 meter of the cheapest fabric available, less than 1 peso per meter. Needless to say, my collection of dolls displayed their clothes as if they attended a private school, all of them in uniform. I can still see the pattern and color on my head: blue, grey, pink and white, featuring some kind of paisley pattern.
I picked knitting and sewing by watching my mother, Jenny Roufosse, and by observing the ways in which clothes were constructed. Now, I can replicate any item without having to follow any explicit directions.
In the Projects Page you will find items that I have made over my lifetime; some one-of-a-kind, some I have made repeatedly, most of them carry a story.
Summer 2008 a pair of Orchard Orioles migrating north chose to stay for a while and nest. I’m amazed at the intricate work of these birds, the nest is woven through the branches such that no wind could take it away. The birds came back to nest on the same tree in 2009.
I have much to learn if I only observe Nature around me.
Gardens in
The Woodlands of Chapel Hill, NC
Since June 2013