Thelypteris noveboracensis

Fern - “New York”

                                     ID#  862



HEIGHT X SPREAD: 1 1/2 ft x 2 ft

PLANT TYPE: deciduous, dormant in winter.



LIGHT: Full sun to part shade

WATER: moist, to dry. Tolerates drought

SOIL: tolerates many types
As observed in Central, NC.


FRUIT  AND  SEED:  Propagate by division of roots.

KEY FEATURES: Dormant in winter. Deer resistant. Spreads easily forming colonies.
Do not cut in winter for winter interest.
A year cycle in the life of ...... at Stonehenge

    100 bare roots, about 1-3 inches long & 3/4” thick each with distingtive head forming and multiple hairy roots attached.
-Planted in property original red clay soil, turned and ammended with top soil and peat moss. Water before and after planting about 1 hr. each time. Two rows about 12” apart outward from the two rows of TN Ostrich ferns. Skipping entrance doors to crowl space. Days follow planting: rainy, cloudy & cool.
-First fronds growing by early June 2014, a 2” layer of mulch placed on top of roots may have delay the appearance of first growth.

This is a common fern, and it often grows in large colonies that carpet the forest floor. Notice how the frond tapers toward the base, and the lowest leaflets are very small. This is a good marker to identify the New York fern.

Likes the dryer soil. Grows about 18" high. Goes dormant in September.

June 2014

slowly emerging/ two rows closest to wall

Additional Information: Purchase at:

Woodlans plants Nursery in Tennesse

waiting for photo

June 2014