Gardenia jasminoides ‘Frostproof’

Gardenia - ‘Frosproof”

                                     ID#  834




Additional Information: Provided by Mike Leeper from Presicion Landscape.

HEIGHT X SPREAD:  5 ft x 4 ft

PLANT TYPE: evergreen shrub

GROWTH RATE: average


LIGHT: Full sun to part shade

WATER: moist, frequently during summer heat

SOIL: tolerates many types
As observed in Eastern NC.

BLOOMS: 2-3 inch white flowers during June with a profuse fragrance.


KEY FEATURES: Attractive round bush with fragrant flowers in abundance during June in NC.
A year cycle in the life of ...... at Stonehenge

    Planted along the house back side.
-Winter 2014 temperature dropped to 9F degrees, colder than the Zone stated for this area. The plants suffer loosing all leaves, deer also starved and resorted to much on these plants prior. The shrubs look like a totally dead plant come early spring.
-June 2014, plants are back but no flowers this year. I have spray and place deer repelent in the soil to prevent deer damage. Come winter I will cover the plants for frost protection.

A upright habit, shiny, dark green leaves and fragrant, white 2 to 3 inch flowers make this a fine foundation plant that thrives with more direct sun than other varieties. Flower buds resist late spring frosts without damage.

June 2014

June   2013

June   2013