Orchid - Miltoniopsis #956

Orchid - Miltonia wine/red Pansy


Miltoniopsis or Pansy Orchids have a name for being temperamental but I find if they are grown in coconut husk, kept in minimum sized pots and allowed to dry between each watering the do well and make wonderful house plants.
This variety is one of the best for perfume and can flower for very long periods of time

Tag: none

HEIGHT X SPREAD: compact/small

PLANT TYPE: Orchid -Evergreen
LIGHT: filtered light, medium. Most light tolerant of the species

WATER: moist, well drained. 
high humidity 60-70 %

SOIL: Pot in  small Orchiata mix .
As observed in Coastal NC.

BLOOMS:   red with a distinctive center yellow and white pattern. Perfume fragrance is very pleasent and strong during the morning hours only.

FRUIT  AND  SEED: N/A, propagate by  division.

KEY FEATURES: Flowers are long lasting, with repeating spikes.
A year cycle in the life of ...... at Mooring Hitch

 Prefers to be water from bottom/keep leaves dry. Place in shady and coolest spot. Growing well, developing roots.
Summer 2015: I most learn more about this plant type before attempting again. My greenhouse probably too hot during summer for it.
          Mooring Hitch Gardens       

September 2015

April 2015

Additional Information:  Purchased from Atlantic Ave. Orchid & Garden Center

5217 Atlantic Ave. Raleigh, NC 27616   Phone: (919)-878-8877