Hoya carnosa“Krinkle Kurl” variegated

Hindu rope                                                          

                                   ID#847 -A&B


Hindu rope is a succulent cactus flowering ivy with a twisted variegated waxy leaves.

Growth simulated a twisted rope.

Flowers are within clusters with pink centers. (A)

Plant (B), variegated,

none crinkled leaves,

cultivar unknown.


PLANT TYPE: succulent cactus
TEXTURE: waxy bold
LIGHT: filtered light, low to medium. Intermediate to warm temperature.

WATER: moist well, drained, do not allow to dry completely. enjoys humidity between 40-60%

SOIL: moist fertil soil, well drain.
As observed in Coastal NC.

BLOOMS: clusters of pink with darker pink centers along the vine length ends.

FRUIT  AND  SEED: N/A, propagate by  division.
Root cutting in water or moist soil medium.

KEY FEATURES: vine type. Do not remove bloom spurs even after blooms fade, they will re-bloom next time. Likes to be pot bound for increase blooming. Use fish emulsion fertilizer on leaves is it becomes yellowish or brittle.
A year cycle in the life of ...... at Mooring Hitch

Plant purchased in 2” inch square pot.
Keep in shade and moist at all times.
-Potted plant in 5” round clear plastic pot with Black gold Orchid mix, hanging. 12/31/13
-Sept. 2015: (A vine) has branched and is about 4-5 ft. long. Blooms form at the ends of vine.
          Mooring Hitch Gardens       

Sept. 2015

Additional Information: Carborro, NC  shop

Oct. 2013

Leaf markings

waiting for flowers to open

September 2015 ,   # 847- A