Orchid- Blc. Chinese Beauty

“Orchid Queen”


Blc. = Brassolaeliocattleya sometimes refer also as Rhyncholaeliocattleya. Hybrid.

This type of hybrid will most likely adapt to the same care of Cattleyas.

Hybrid: T-4525

As observed in Coastal NC.

BLOOMS:Very large splash petal flowers with fragrant blooms.

FRUIT  AND  SEED: N/A, propagate by  division.

KEY FEATURES:single leaf in elongated pseudobulb.
A year cycle in the life of ...... at Mooring Hitch

Plant One received in 2 1/2” plastic pot with bark.
Mounted wood trellis A, left of (6X,1Y )(Jan.1, 2013)
-3/25/13 removed from mount and placed in 2.5” plastic pot with Orchiata

-Second plant Feb. 2013. Received in 2.5” plastic pot with bark. Unchanged.
-January 2014:(2)4” clay pot. A total of (2) plants.
-July 2014: moved both plant (2) into (1) 6” wooden basket
-Jan. 2015:(1) 6” wooden basket, doing well.
Jan. 2016:(1) 4” clay pot.
          Mooring Hitch Gardens       

January 2016

Additional Information: www.carmelaorchids.net

Carmela orchids Inc.  Phone (808) 963-6189    P.O. Box 277, Hakalau, Hawaii 96710

Dec. 15, 2012

Dec. 15, 2012

Carmela’s flower
HEIGHT X SPREAD: long pseudobulbs

PLANT TYPE: Orchid -Evergreen


LIGHT: filtered light, only.

WATER: moist but well  drained, 
high humidity 60-70 %

SOIL: suitable for hanging basket or mounted.

February 2013