Nepenthes - N x Andrewensis

Asian Pitcher plant (Hybrid)



Nepenthes, known as Asian pitcher plants are a group of carnivorous plants. They are roughly 140 natural species and many more cultivated hybrids.Many come from lowlands, humid and hot weather. They live in hot days but cool or cold night. A few are consider tropical alpines and can tolerate near  freezing temperatures.The environment to grow them is similar to orchid cultivation. I’m trying 10 different hybrid cultivars in my glasshouse.


PLANT TYPE: Nepenthes-Evergreen vine
TEXTURE: medium
LIGHT: filtered light, only.

WATER: moist well, drained, 
high humidity 60-70 %

SOIL: Pot in Blackgold orchid Mix
As observed in Coastal NC.

BLOOMS: Pitcher like cups grow as a extension at the tip of the leaves.

FRUIT  AND  SEED:  propagate by  air-layering.

KEY FEATURES: Colorful pitchers.  Roots are black and very fine. Keep moist at all times.
A year cycle in the life of ...... at Mooring Hitch
These plants are commonly found in conservatories I have visited. Grown in combination with orchids and the sensational display of the pitchers hanging from the leaves I decided to try them out. The fact that they eat bugs is a plus, perhaps they will control the mosquito population in the glasshouse.

Received plants bare root with about one inch of fine/black roots, about 4 leaves and 1 to 4 pitchers.
Potted in 4” clear plastic orchid pots, sphagnum moss in the bottom, top with orchid bark and moss mixture. Pot hang with metal pot hooks.
Spring 2013, repot in 5” plastic with Blackgold Orchid mix. Hanged under fig tree (shade) for the summer. Plant is very happy
During winter, plant seems to like the high humidity in glasshouse (60-70%
          Mooring Hitch Gardens       

02/ 2014

Feb. 2012

Additional Information: Lee's Botanical Gardens    On-line retailer in Florida.