Orchid-Blc. George King “Serendipity” AM/AOS x Slc. Mad Max “Maui Coral”                                                 


Blc. = Brassolaeliacattleya

Slc. = sophronitis, laelia and cattleya.

    A hybrid with more pedigree that I can handle or express.

This Orchid is consider a “art-shade orchid”. What distinguishes the 'art-shades' from traditional cattleya hybrids is their size and shape. They usually bear flowers 4" and under and often appear in clusters of five to seven or more flowers on an inflorescence. They can be quite showy and may bloom more than once per year.

HEIGHT X SPREAD: 2-3 ft. Up-right

PLANT TYPE: Orchid -Evergreen
LIGHT: High. At least several hours of light from a bright south facing window with very light diffused curtain, 50% shade in greenhouse or less. 

WATER: moist well, drained, 
high humidity 60-70 %
SOIL: Pot in coarse chunks of fir or 
redwood bark and/or hardwood charcoal
As observed in Coastal NC.

BLOOMS: When the flowers first open the color changes from a pale peach tone and gradually becomes a darker salmon with peach sepals. The lip is red with salmon edging and yellow eyes in the throat.  Early spring (April)
FRUIT  AND  SEED: N/A, propagate by  division.

KEY FEATURES: The 'Serendipity' cultivar is large, about 6" across, and has excellent form.
A year cycle in the life of ...... at Mooring Hitch
This plant, along with 24 others where given to me by my neighbor, the previous owners “The Cochran’s” which I never met  moved out of town and no longer could care for them. About half of the Collection  still had plant name/description and sometimes nursery of origin. Very helpful information to guide me into their care.
So my education begins.....

Received with leaves ranging in colors from green/red/yellow, not sure of the reason or to be part of the plant’s features.Overgrown the 4” pot.
-Potted in 6” wooden basket in Orchid bark/medium
-First bloom April 8, 2011, one stem with 2 buds.
-Two beautiful blooms April 2012. Plant is on Wooden Trellis B, basket and mount re-mounted with new bark may 20, 2012.
-Remove dead portion of mounted plant. My fault, too many changes.
-Removed all plant/ dead Dec. 31,12
          Mooring Hitch Gardens       

December   2012

Additional Information: Adopted from Hank & Betsy Cochran Collection.

April 8,  2011

Repotted 6” wooden basket

April 2011

As received  -   March 2011

April  9, 2011

Wood Trellis B - April 2012