Anemone Honorine Jobert

Anemone - Japanese Honorine Jobert


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Elegant, dazzling white flowers surround frilly yellow centers. 2” flowers adorn tall stems above an attractive mound of rich dark green leaves. Great for cutting, the flowers are a welcome sight in late summer; blooming freely and continuously until frost. Deer resistant – another reason this plant is a must-have.

HEIGHT X SPREAD: 2-3 ft x spreading

PLANT TYPE: perennial herbaseous



LIGHT: part shade to full sun

WATER: medium to dry

SOIL: high Organic
As observed in Coastal NC.

BLOOMS: White blooms with a yellow center about 2-3 inches in diameter


KEY FEATURES: Plant is less invasive and less hardy  than it related A. tor. Robustissima .
Flowers are a crisp white color that make a great display late summer.
A year cycle in the life of ...... at Mooring Hitch

    Planted in Bed #8 among azaleas. Hoping to have a display of flowers during fall when azaleas are a low not in their showy display.

Plant has been slow to spread, the bed is dry and competing for moisture with large pine trees and azaleas.
-At this writing only few plants are sprinkle in the bed and a sporadic flower found during fall.
          Mooring Hitch Gardens       

January 2013

Bed #8,  April  2009