Orchid-Myrmecophila tibicinis x Myrmecophila humboldtii



A hybrid of two Myrmecophila species, both from Mexico and central America regions.

Tibicinis variety shows blooms of various tones of pink to fushia with orange and yellow centers.

Humboldtii varitey has mostly lilac to purple tones with a modest amount of yellow in the lip center.

Both parents of this hybrid exhibit similar size and shape of plant: long slender pseudobulbs that turn yellow at maturity and extremely long spikes with blooms at the top.

A year cycle in the life of ...... at Mooring Hitch

Plant bare root packed in spaghnum moss.Many pseudobulbs growing in many directions, most of them dark orange in color. I divided plant in two sections before mounting to make it more manageable.
 (#1) has 8 pseudobulbs, all of them orange and few with green leaves. Mounted on “Cancun” cork Tower (CCT) / section 5

(#2) has 2 pseudobulbs, one green, one orange. Mounted in CCT/ section 2
-April 2021: (#1 & #2) closters Dead, removed from CCT. No plants remaining.
          Mooring Hitch Gardens       

(#1)    Sept. 20, 2019

PLANT TYPE: Orchid -Evergreen Hybrid
LIGHT: Very bright, often in full sun in nature. Warm temperature. Hot temp. tolerant.

WATER: during summer, water frequently 2-3/wk during  growing period. Less in winter.
Humidity 50 %

SOIL: prefer to be mounted in tree tops or on very well drain media.
As observed in Coastal NC.


FRUIT  AND  SEED: N/A, propagate by  division.

KEY FEATURES: Large with dark orange pseudobulbs producing a close together array of bulbs. Two to three leaves at the apix

Additional Information: Purchased at: Ecuagenera.com , Ecuador.

July 2021

Plant as received

(#2)  mounted on sect 2/

Cancun cork Tower  (CCT)