Chamaecyparis obtusa “Nana Lutea”

Cypress - Hinoki/False “Nana Lutea”



Additional Information:  Purchased at An Eastridge Garden. Centerville, MD

I’m always looking for a additional needled evergreen that will not take much space, I’m running out of space, but I like many plants.

The dual yellow/green tone of this plant is very attractive. I came across this plant during a trip to Maryland. I had two other cultivars of this variety which have done well for several years in full afternoon sun.

This plant is more sensitive to full sun, dry soil, strong winds or all because it did not fare well on it’s first location.

HEIGHT X SPREAD: 3-5 ft x 2 ft

PLANT TYPE: Evergreen, conifer

GROWTH RATE: Slow, 3-6”/year

TEXTURE: fine, twisted

LIGHT: Sun to part shade

WATER: moist

SOIL: high Organic
As observed in Coastal NC.

BLOOMS: none

FRUIT  AND  SEED: Cones are globose 8-12 mm diameter, with 8-12 scales. Cones have yet to be observe in my plant.

KEY FEATURES: Extremely dwarf and very slow growing.  Beautiful lemon gold dense growth, upright broad. A yellow counterpart to `Nana Gracilis'.
A year cycle in the life of ...... at Mooring Hitch

    Located originally in Bed #3, West Yard. Plant exhibit a lot of dry needles/ sections in that location. I could not determine if it was because of strong cold winds in winter, or drought in summer or proximity to willow tree that uses all the moisture. After two different location within bed #3, I transfer the plant to the East Yard where moisture is abundant and less afternoon sun. Plant seems to like it better so far.

No other care than yearly fertilizer is required.

       Emerging time, Fertilization, Pruning, Thinning, Seed Collecting, Cutting, Roots, Division,.......
          Mooring Hitch Gardens       

Jan. 2010
