Platycerium Multi-cultivars

Staghorn Ferns, Elkhorn ferns                             



Platycerium Hillii  is closely related to P.bifurcatum.  In its purest form P. hillii has wide and deep green fertile fronds with few hairs. The shields are rounded along the top edge, without lobes or even undulations. They grow back flat against the plaque, not forming a nest of debris like P.bifurcatum.

Growth habit is somehow smaller than other varieties but eventually forming a large solid ball in many years.

Bring outdoors when night above 50F.

A year cycle in the life of ...... at Stonehenge

Plant  (A) purchased mounted in a 16” x 16” tree fern board. All others purchased in 4” pots.
 (A) - P. Hillii cv. ( not specified)  Mounted 16”x16” Treefern board
(AA)- P. Hillii cv. Bloomi. Mounted 12”x24”  Treefern board / upper
(B)  - P. Mount Lewis (Removed from GT/ Dead)
(C)  - P. Superbum
(D) - P. Bifurcatum ( best guess)  Mounted 12”x24”  Treefern board / lower
(DD)- P. Bifurcatum cv. Alicorne  Mounted on 6” WB/vertical. Later mounted on GT/ removed WB. Removed due to infestation of ???. Position replaced with (E3).
(E-1 & E2 & E3) - P. Veitchii ‘Lemoinei’. GT (E-1), GT(E2), GT (E3)
-P. Elephantotis. Mounted on sm. Treefern board and  into Wood rack.

Total of (5)Staghorn ferns :(3) on GT, (1) on treefern board on top of wood rack hanged, (1) on treefern square board hanged.
          Mooring Hitch Gardens       

November  2023

(A)   October 2015

fronds shape/ (A)

HEIGHT X SPREAD: eventually a large ball

PLANT TYPE: evergreen fern
LIGHT: filtered light, low to medium. 

WATER: water 2-3 times per week during hot weather and growing season decreasing to once per week when growth slows down in fall. Less in winter. High humidity 60-70 %

SOIL: Mounted in Tree fern board
As observed in Coastal NC.

FRUIT  AND  SEED: by spores or by  division. Spores are located on the back side of fronds’ tips.

KEY FEATURES: Attractive/ sculpture like plant that requires little care.
Fish emulssion fertilizer about once per month during growth season is well appreciated.
Do not use fertilizer that will leave behind salt residual.

Additional Information: Purchase (A) mounted at “The Orchid Trail” in Morrisville, NC, (D) Fifth Season, (AA,B,C,DD,E), (E-2)  from @ The Flower Pot Nursery. (E3) Wonka plants/